Memo to Dr. Boudreau

To: Dr. Vincent Boudreau

From: William Vasconcelos Peralta

Subject: CCNY Cafeteria Recommendations

Date: February 3rd, 2020

The purpose of this memo is to aid the students at CCNY by providing them with more accessible meals on campus. I strongly believe that by improving the food available to our students we could foster a more welcoming learning environment as well as increase student productivity. In doing so, we could add on to the principles upon which CCNY stands for which is to provide an affordable education to the common public.


Food plays a vital role in the life of every human and its importance is no different in the life of college students. As a college student myself, not having food throughout the long college day can make staying up and focusing quite a hassle. Therefore, having a cafeteria that provides food to fuel a students’ energy throughout the day is in the best interest for the school for its benefits.


A vast majority of the students at CCNY have experienced what the workforce has to offer. While some are currently working full time, others part-time, and others in internships, eating has become a commodity that is taken for granted. Whether that means that some students might not have enough money because of New York’s high cost of living or the lack of time that they may have due to balancing school work as well as their lives outside of school and work. These students do not have the simple luxury of being able to walk out of campus to get some of the well known, popular, affordable foods eaten nowadays such as McDonalds Dollar Menu, or Wendy’s 4 for 4 deal. These deals not only allow students to get a full meal for an affordable price, but is already prepared, the food just needs to be packed. This allows for fast and efficient serving of food. Additionally, not only will you be feeding our hardworking students to help satisfy their basic needs but you will be encouraging and supporting a better learning environment. Students will no longer have to worry about where they will have their next meal, or what would it be, since they could do it from the comfort of their own campus.


Perhaps we could come to an agreement to allow major food giants into our campus as well as incorporate their services in the cafeteria of our school. I’d like to be about to get the chance to speak to you in person to further discuss the issue.

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